Information About the Campaign
Students’ Mental Health Week is a national campaign that aims to spark discussion on important and current themes for student mental health. At the same time, it highlights issues and actions that can promote mental well-being in student communities.
The campaign is based on the idea that mental health is a resource and the cornerstone of our well-being. It is therefore worth holding on to it. Mental well-being can be maintained and increased even with small actions. It is precisely these actions that the Students’ Mental Health Week aims to highlight and remind us that students’ minds matter. The campaign also aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health problems through an annually changing theme.
The Theme of the 2025 Campaign
According to the recent Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden terveys- ja hyvinvointitutkimus (KOTT), approximately 29% of university students experience clinically significant psychological stress. Based on the same study, it is also known that 15% of university students have been diagnosed with depression and 17% with an anxiety disorder. Statistics show that students’ mental health is in a weak situation, even in crisis. But what kind of experiences can be found behind the statistics?
The theme of the Students’ Mental Health Week 2025 campaign is “Student, How are you?”.
The aim of the campaign is to highlight students’ own voices and experiences regarding mental health and coping. In addition, the aim is to build a more communal and inclusive study culture and thus increase students’ mental health. The campaign events lower the threshold for participation and increase community. The campaign also offers a good opportunity to raise the theme of mental health in students’ everyday lives.
Welcome to the campaign!