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Harassment Contact Persons at Nyyti

At Nyyti, we have appointed four harassment contact persons. They offer support and advice in any situation where the Principles for Safer Spaces are violated, such as bullying, discrimination, sexual or gender-based harassment or other inappropriate treatment. Any part of the situation occurred, may get in touch.

The harassment contact persons offer professional secrecy. You can get in touch with them confidentially and also anonymously.

What is inappropriate treatment, discrimination and harassment?

Inappropriate treatment is undesirable behaviour, that violates another person’s physical or mental integrity. The term inappropriate treatment is often used as a kind of umbrella term for various kinds of insulting, hurtful behaviour and/or conduct that violates someone else’s boundaries. Inappropriate treatment can occur face-to-face or online; verbally, in writing or through non-verbal communication (gestures, facial expressions, non-consensual touching).  Discrimination, harassment and other improper conduct may also violate the law, and there may be grounds for filing a criminal complaint.

The Discrimination Act defines discrimination as unequal and disadvantageous treatment based on a person’s age, origin, nationality, language, religion, belief, opinion, political activity, trade union activity, family relationship, state of health, disability, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristic. The Equality Act prohibits discrimination based on gender, gender identity or gender expression as well as sexual and gender-based harassment. Harassment is conduct that violates a person’s human dignity and creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive atmosphere.

Harassment may occur intentionally or factually. Insulting, hurting or humiliating someone else may be an intended and chosen action. Sometimes one’s conduct may have friendly intentions, but the chosen words or action have still been hurtful for one or more of those present. Be it on purpose or not, addressing and talking about the incident can help everyone involved and ensure safer activities in the future.

Not all conflicts between persons constitute harassment, bullying or other inappropriate treatment. We want to encourage everyone to bravely address conflicts. The ability to face and resolve conflict situations is an important interpersonal skill and a process, for which you may also ask for support.

What Should I Do, if I Am Exposed to or witness Inappropriate Treatment?

  • Try to inform the person behaving inappropriately, that their conduct is not okay. Try to express yourself clearly, e.g. “That joke is not okay”.
  • If you find it difficult to intervene, you can ask for help from someone else present, from Nyyti’s staff members or from a harrasment contact person. You can also contact the harassment contact persons afterwards.
  • If the same person’s inappropriate behaviour is repeated, if possible, make notes about where and when the events occurred and who was present. Also, save any other relevant evidence, such as social media messages, emails or pictures.
  • You can contact Nyyti’s harassment contact persons at any time and in confidence.
  • You may also contact Nyyti’s harassment contact persons, should you have concerns about your own conduct at an event or occasion organized by Nyyti. Together, we can think about how to deal with one’s emotions and/or how to resolve a situation where one realize having acted in a way that may have hurt someone.

What Does the Harassment Contact Persons Do?

The harassment contact persons strive to offer support and advice in order to solve situations where someone has acted inappropriately. They can, for example, offer conversational support or help to find different forms of support to deal with reactions caused by the situation occurred. They can also facilitate dialogues between those involved or help to create action plans to improve the situation. The harassment contact persons do not take matters further without the consent of the person who brought the case to their attention.

The harassment contact persons are not an authority. They cannot resolve the situation on behalf of those involved or hand out judgements or punishments. Their goal is to act as a neutral, external party in support of resolving the situation.

All parties have the right to be heard, should the case lead to action. Together with the person who brought the case to our attention, we discuss and agree on the best way to proceed with the matter.

You can get in touch with the harassment contact persons by email  ( or by filling in the form below. You can also report the incident anonymously. Please note, that anonymous contacts do not lead to the matter being processed further. However, the report is considered in the statistics and in the development of Nyyti’s activitites.

What Happens After a Report?

  • All contacts are confidential. The harassment contact persons are under the obligation of secrecy.
  • No measures are taken without the consent of the one who made the report, or without their knowledge.
  • In further processing of the case, all parties have the right to be heard.
  • The incident can be processed in different ways, from case to case. The process is broadly described below:
  1. Nyyti’s harassment contact persons receive a report by email, via the form or in some other way.
  2. The harassment contact persons choose a person or persons among themselves, who will handle the case and communicate with the person who made the report.
  3. The process progresses according to what is agreed upon with the person who made the report, for example by talking with the person who behaved inappropriately.
  4. The incident is looked into with the parties separately and/or together. If necessary, the harassment contact persons also offer support for the parties to handle the matter and/or refer them to relevant services.

The Harassment Contact Persons

The following employees are currently appointed as Nyyti’s harassment contact persons: Anders Huldén, Emmi Kyyhkynen, Sanni Laurila and Joni Tuokko.

You can contact them via the email address or via the form below. If you have submitted your contact details, we strive to get back to you within 1-3 working days.  

The data on the form and the email box are only handled by the harassment contact persons. The harassment contact persons are under the obligation of secrecy. Contacts with them are confidential.

Harassment report form

What has happened, where and when, who were involved in the incident?
How do you wish the incident to be addressed?(Required)

If you wish us to take measures, based on your report, please fill in your contact information below.
Whom of the harassment contact persons would you prefer to contact you?

Sources and further information:

You can read more about the Discrimination Act and what to do in situations of discrimination at the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman’s website.

You can read more about the Equality Act and what to do if the law is violated at the Ombudsman for Equality website.