Understanding International Students Numbers in Finland


Although this post maybe a little dry and will help you fall asleep at night, I have posted it for general informational purposes.

International Exchange Students Statistics in Finland

According to the figures from the Finnish national agency for education on student mobility in 2016, there were 295,038 students in Finnish higher education. Of this population, exchange students from Finland to abroad has progressively increased from 2.8% (8,610 students) in 2006 to 3.5% (10,444 students) in 2016. Exchange students to Finland have also increased from 2.7% (8,191) in 2006 to 3.4% (10,059) in 2016.

The largest flows of exchange students are to, and from Europe, at around 70% and 79% respectively. The second largest exchange flow is to and from Asia at 17% and 15% respectively.

Exchange students to Finland mainly come from Germany (1,784), France (1,389), Spain (833), the Netherlands (562) and China (544). Finnish exchange students mainly favour Germany (1166) Spain (761), the Netherlands (700), the United Kingdom (671) and Sweden (521).

Furthermore, the exchange of students to and from Finland are roughly equal in number at around 10,000 in 2016 and they mainly come from Europe.

International Degree Students in Finland

In 2016 international degree students from Finland overwhelmingly favoured to study in Europe at 89% and international degree students coming to study in Finland were mainly from Asia (45%) and Europe (39%). Finnish international degree students have long favoured to study in the United Kingdom (1,983), Sweden (1,707), Estonia (1,215), the Netherlands (491) and the United states (416). International degree students coming to Finland mainly come from Russia (2,959), Vietnam (2,516), China (1,788), Nepal (1,166) and India (779).

The total number of International students who are non-Finnish nationals, including post graduate students has doubled since 2006 from 10,066 to 21,061 in 2016.

Top ten nationalities of international degree students in 2016

To Finland - Total

  • Russia - 2,959
  • Vietnam - 2,516
  • China - 1,788
  • Nepal - 1,166
  • India - 779
  • Pakistan - 712
  • Estonia - 695
  • Iran - 624
  • Germany - 621
  • Nigeria - 570

In 2015 almost half of all international students were studying for a bachelor’s degree with just over half studying at a University. Over 30% of international students were studying a master’s degree with just under 70% at a University of applied sciences, and around 18 % of international students were studying a doctoral degree.

Student Distribution and Employment

Distribution of exchange students to and from Finland are distributed roughly equally across Finland. Whereas, international degree students coming to study in Finland tend to favour southern areas, with the Uusimaa region containing just under 40% of the international degree student population in 2015.

One year after graduation just under 40% of international degree students are employed in Finland and 5.2% are continuing students in Finland.

Cimo.fi – Higher education [Internet]. [cited 2018 May 2]. Available from: http://www.cimo.fi/services/statistics/international_mobility_of_students

Tim Hudd