A Career Is a Landscape Where You Can Move In Many Directions
We are often afraid of making the wrong choices concerning our field of education or jobs. Many people are worried about finding employment in their chosen field. As business life and the work itself can change during your career, the most important thing is to think about which topic or field is most interesting and where you can use your strengths. Then, just let these guide your choices. We change throughout our lives, so our interests, jobs and careers will also change. You can always change directions, choose again, take a new path, or return. There are no wrong choices. Choices are not final. It is never too late.
There are no wrong choices. Choices are not final.
The Future Is Hard to Predict
Although many of the traditional professions will remain, some will disappear, and new ones will emerge. The future is hard to predict. If you study extensively enough and maintain versatile competence, you will have plenty of opportunities to do well in life. A degree is a start, and everyone must be prepared to learn and update their competence. However, it does not require new degrees, but rather adding new learning to prior learning.
Learning happens in everything we do, whether at work, in education or in leisure time. It’s no big deal, if you cannot find your dream career right away, because everything you do can be useful. No work experience is a waste of time, as the same type of competence is used in very different jobs, regardless of the field or task. All experience is useful.
Different Directions in The Career Landscape
The business life of the future will increasingly have a flexible model that means life can fit many careers, breaks and transitions. A career is not a linear path, but rather a landscape that fits different competences and tasks. You pick and choose things for your career and enrich your expertise. You can move in many different directions in the career landscape, make detours and come back. You can utilise your competence flexibly and in a multidisciplinary manner. You are also allowed to be enthusiastic about many things at the same time and develop as a multi-skilled person.
You can move in many different directions in the career landscape, make detours and come back.
Identify Your Competence and Put It into Words
Competence accumulates in different ways over time. Some of it comes from formal education and qualifications, but most comes from experience. Often, competence is so self-evident that we do not even notice its existence. This is why expertise should be identified and put into words. Identification helps in using the competence in different jobs and fields.
Start by analysing how and where your competence was created. Everything we do involves learning. All kinds of work experience and leisure activities are useful. In other words, look at your competence from a broad perspective: look at your education, work experience, potential volunteer work and elected positions, hobbies and special skills.
Good Self-Knowledge Helps You Make Choices
Self-knowledge allows you to answer questions about who you are and what you want to do. It is an understanding of what you are like as a person and why you think, feel and behave in a certain way. Good self-knowledge helps you make choices and make solutions that are balanced with your own values in life and find tasks and roles that are suitable for you. It includes identifying and utilising your strengths and competences.
Head Towards What Attracts You
In many ways, the world seems to have become unpredictable and surprising. However, the future is full of opportunities, and in the future, you can engage in diverse, meaningful work in professions that we cannot yet imagine. It is difficult to plan your path very carefully. If something appeals to you, you can try it out, even just a little bit. Especially at the beginning of your career, it is a good idea to try different things, because later on you will be more likely to stick with what you already know. If something seems impossible, think about the smallest step you can take and make it happen. Try something that excites you, even just a little bit.
If Something Seems Impossible, Figure Out the Smallest Step You Can Take
There are many options, and the most important thing is to find a solution that matches your values and wishes. The better you know yourself and your skills and understand the meaningfulness of your work, the more likely you are to create a career landscape that inspires you. Existing frameworks should not restrict you too much. Do things that light you up!
Inkeri Ruuska
Inkeri Ruuska is an experienced business life expert who has boldly changed directions. They have been a manager, developer and researcher and have worked in the worlds of businesses, universities and organisations. Inkeri is a Doctor of Science (Technology), Master of Law and a certified Business Coach (ACC/ICF). They have written a non-fiction book about the renaissance of multi-skilled persons called Moniosaamisen renessanssi – Opas työelämän edelläkävijöille (Basam Books, 2022). They work as a coach and expert for various organisations. Inkeri has been involved in founding NyytiCoaching and is one of their coaches.